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  • Marko


Bigfoot: Uncovering the Myth, History, and Cultural Impact of the Legendary Creature

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is one of North America's most enduring cryptids. Described as a large, hairy, ape-like creature, Bigfoot is said to inhabit...

Lucid Dreaming: Exploring the Origins and Cultural Impact of the phenomenon

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the concept of lucid dreaming began to be integrated into various conspiracy theories. These theories often involve...

Vaccines: Unraveling the Origins, Myths, and Impact on Public Health

This theory claim that vaccines are harmful, ineffective, or part of a larger plot to control or harm populations. The persistence and influence of vaccine-related...

Fake News: Exploring Origins, Evolution, and Impact on Modern Society

The belief in widespread fake news is often tied to the idea that powerful entities—such as governments, corporations, or media organizations—are deliberately spreading false information...

Climate Denial: Origins, Development, and Impact on Global Climate Policy

Proponents of climate denial argue that climate change is either a natural occurrence or a fabricated crisis designed to control or manipulate public policy, economies,...

GMOs: Unveiling the Myths, Origins, and Impact on Global Perception

While GMOs have been hailed by many in the scientific community for their potential to increase food production and improve nutritional quality, they have also...

Slenderman: Exploring the Origins and Cultural Impact of the Internet’s Modern Myth

Slenderman is a fictional character originated as an internet meme but quickly evolved into a modern myth, with many believing in its existence beyond the...

Vampires: Exploring the Myths, Origins, and Modern Interpretations

This theory suggest that vampires are real, hidden among us, or that the stories of vampires are part of a larger scheme to control or...

MOMO Challenge: Unraveling the Truth Behind the Viral Internet Hoax

Originally created as a sculpture by a Japanese artist, MOMO was later co-opted into a viral online challenge that allegedly encouraged harmful and dangerous behavior...

Fresno Nightcrawlers: Investigating the Mysterious Cryptid of California

The Fresno Nightcrawlers are a mysterious cryptid phenomenon that has captured the imagination of paranormal enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists alike.